
very helpful lioness

google summer of code


Fri, 03/29/2019 - 08:13 -- webchick

For DrupalCamp Belarus in mid-May, I'll be giving a talk entitled "Tales of Drupal Past: Origin Stories of Drupal Contributors." My goal is to feature folks from the Drupal community and share their stories of coming into Drupal, with the goal to help inform and inspire others about our community, coming from a wide range of diverse perspectives/backgrounds.

How about... YOU? What were you doing before Drupal? How'd you get your start? What are you doing now? How has Drupal changed/impacted your life?

I would really appreciate any responses, whether in the comments here, on your own blogs, and/or on social media (with the #DrupalOriginStories tag, please). (Especially if you're based in Eastern Europe, I would love to hear from you!)

I can share mine, as a start... (Feel free to make yours shorter than this, however! :))

How YOU (yes, you!) can make Drupalcon's "Awesome Testing Party" awesome

Mon, 08/11/2008 - 01:20 -- webchick

The Drupalcon Szeged schedule just went up last week. It's jam-packed with interesting sessions ranging from low-level geeky goodness, to design and usability sessions, to Drupal business best practices. And the BoF schedule is filling up with tons of interesting stuff, too.

A list of the sessions I'm leading/partaking in follows the break. But first! I need your help!

Linux.com Interview

Sat, 08/09/2008 - 00:50 -- webchick

I just saw this float past the stream in #drupal...

A couple weeks ago, Amber Gillies had asked if she could interview me about Google Summer of Code and my experiences in the Drupal project as part of the piece, Open source technology is hungry for new college grads. Yeah... just *try* to get me to shut up about how awesome GSoC and Drupal are. :D She did a very good job of turning my firehose of an e-mail into coherent sentences. ;)

Edit: Holy crap, this has been Slashdotted, too.

It's the mooost... wonderful tiiime... of the yeeear...

Mon, 04/21/2008 - 18:55 -- webchick

Today, the Google Summer of Code 2008 accepted students were announced. 7,000+ applications to 175 mentoring organizations from nearly 4,000 students, of which 1,125 will be funded. Altogether, this means a $5.6+ million dollar investment in open source from our buddies at Google. Kick ass!

Drupal's approach to Summer of Code 2008

Wed, 03/26/2008 - 18:51 -- webchick

In case word hasn't reached you yet for some reason, Summer of Code 2008 is a go, and this is the week for college/university students to submit applications to work on projects for their mentoring organization of choice over the summer. Our hope is of course that a whole bunch will choose Drupal, which is an awesome, knowledgeable, and fun community to be a part of, and very supportive of SoC students (I know, because I was one myself back in 2005! :D).

As part of my duties for the Drupal Association, I help to administer initiatives that help bring in new contributors, like Drupal's involvement in Google Summer of Code. A huge thanks to the admin team -- chx, cwgordon7, and dmitrig01 -- for their tremendous efforts in getting the program kick-started!

We're trying something new this year that we haven't done in years past: public community review of student ideas and proposals, prior to their submission as formal applications for Summer of Code. There are multiple reasons why we chose to "beta test" this approach, which I will detail after the break.

However, for those who want to help bring new contributors to the Drupal project, and have a hand in deciding what new awesome projects get funded over the summer with Google's multi-thousand dollar investment, please jump in and help review some student proposals! The absolute deadline for student applications is Monday, March 31, 2008 at 17:00 PDT, so it's imperative that students get their questions answered and their proposals reviewed and refined as soon as possible so they have ample time to get their applications in.

Video of my Women in Open Source talk at Ontario Linux Fest

Thu, 11/01/2007 - 09:48 -- webchick

Thanks to Khalid for the heads-up about a video out there of my Women in Open Source talk I gave last month at the Ontario Linux Fest. Check it out here: http://www.archive.org/details/onlinux_womeninopensource

The slides for this talk are also available at http://webchick.net/files/presentations/women-in-open-source-onlinux-200...

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