
very helpful lioness


Interview in The Next Women

Wed, 10/29/2008 - 18:30 -- webchick

Back at Drupalcon Szeged, I sat down with Michelle Pace from The Next Women to rave all about Drupal and the Drupal community for an hour or so. :) It was really interesting talking to her about her first impressions at Drupalcon and most of our discussions centered around what makes an open source community tick.

You can check out her write-up over at Sourcing Angie Byron.

Thanks, Michelle!

Interview in .51

Wed, 09/17/2008 - 09:46 -- webchick

I was recently named Geek of the Week by Maria "Ubergeeke" Webster of .51 - GeekSpace for Women.

I met Maria at OSCON this year, and she is hilarious, friendly, awesome, and possibly an even bigger geek than I am (I know, right? I didn't think it was possible either! ;)).

Her site highlights women geeks who are kicking ass, new technology trends, and all the crazy stuff she is doing. Might be of interest to some of the Drupalchix out there.

Thanks, Maria! :)

Linux.com Interview

Sat, 08/09/2008 - 00:50 -- webchick

I just saw this float past the stream in #drupal...

A couple weeks ago, Amber Gillies had asked if she could interview me about Google Summer of Code and my experiences in the Drupal project as part of the piece, Open source technology is hungry for new college grads. Yeah... just *try* to get me to shut up about how awesome GSoC and Drupal are. :D She did a very good job of turning my firehose of an e-mail into coherent sentences. ;)

Edit: Holy crap, this has been Slashdotted, too.

Google Podcast: Women in Open Source

Tue, 01/15/2008 - 19:26 -- webchick

Addison Berry and I had the opportunity to speak on a Google podcast with several women from other projects who are all helping to manage the Google Highly Open Participation Contest from their respective communities.

It was really interesting to talk to women behind other projects like Joomla! and Apache and see what their thoughts were about the program, about why they thought so many of us were involved, and so on.

Initial Drupal community experiences and getting past the "I suck" threshold

Mon, 11/26/2007 - 12:29 -- webchick

I did a recent interview that talked a bit about the upcoming Drupal O'Reilly book (code-named the "Lullabook"), how I got my start in the Drupal community, and how I went about surmounting the Drupal learning curve.

The short version is that, in my opinion, getting involved in the community is, hands down, the fastest way to ratchet up your Drupal knowledge. It was the only way I was able to make the leap from "total newbie" (who hadn't even installed Drupal at the time) to "contributing my first module" in 2 very short months (I started out my Drupal career as a Google Summer of Code student back in 2005).

It was a lot of fun to reflect back on my first couple months in the Drupal community, which included some of the following highlights. *cue the flashback wipe*

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