
very helpful lioness


Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes... (and a brief history of Drupal)

Mon, 08/02/2021 - 01:57 -- webchick

What the what?!

A crying Druplicon
Sad Drupal is Sad. :'(

Well, might as well get right down to it... I've made the incredibly difficult decision to leave Acquia, and my employment there officially ended last week. :'(

Some important notes about this:

  • This is in no way a negative reflection on Acquia. I have worked with SO many amazing people there in the past 10 years(!), and have endless gratitude for all of the challenges, opportunities, learning, and laughs. The leadership team has a solid strategy, and the effort everyone there puts into achieving it every day is inspiring.
  • This is in no way a negative reflection on Drupal. In my time here, I've seen Drupal through its youthful toddler years, to its surly teenage years, and now Drupal's all grown up, with a nice, stable apartment downtown. :) Drupal is and remains an amazingly powerful, flexible solution for building every single type of application one can dream of, with an incredibly strong and vibrant community behind it.
  • What this is about is about an opportunity that came up to take lessons learned from Drupal and apply them more broadly to (hopefully) make an even bigger impact (more on that below).
  • Also, I'm not leaving the Drupal community (more on that below too), and will stay on as Core Committer/Product Manager, albeit with less time than I used to have to dedicate to it, for rather obvious reasons. (This is ultimately a good thing, as it'll direct that time towards more strategic/impactful endeavours.)

Running both Drush 8 (for Drupal 7) and Drush 10 (for Drupal 9) at the same time

Mon, 09/14/2020 - 02:49 -- webchick


These days, my life is all migrations, all the time, which means I often need to run Drupal 7 and Drupal 9 sites side-by-side simultaneously to compare the results.

The problem?

Table of Drush compatibility info from https://www.drush.org/install/

The latest version of Drush, Drush 10, only works on Drupal versions 8.4+. To use Drush on Drupal 7 sites, you need an older version, Drush 8. And both of them use the command drush. Tricksy...

There are various Drupal-knowledgeable local development environments, such as Acquia Dev Desktop, Lando, DDEV, and Drupal VM that handle this complexity for you, which is super handy. However, the rest of my team uses a "from scratch" local development environment on Mac OS X, so I needed to figure out how to do this by hand.

I made a Twitter inquiry if there was an existing tutorial on how to do this, and since I couldn't find one, here it is. :) Hopefully this helps others, as well! (Thanks to those who responded, pointing me in the right direction!)

"Jumpstart" for the Drupal 9 Readiness Sprint @ DrupalCon Seattle!

Thu, 04/11/2019 - 17:01 -- webchick

Helloooooooo #DrupalCon!

If you're looking for something to work on at the contribution sprints tomorrow, come to the Drupal 9 readiness sprint! :D

We'll be spending the day removing deprecated code from Drupal 8 contributed modules to get them ready for Drupal 9.

For a great overview about how to prepare for Drupal 9, along with helpful tutorial videos, see Dries's blog.

Here's how you can participate! (Whether in-person or remotely!)

If you're a module developer who would like to "opt in" to having your module reviewed / patched by a new contributor at the sprint, please create (or find an existing) issue with the Drupal 9 compatibility + Seattle2019 tags!

Want to see the progress? Here's a contrib kanban overview!


Fri, 03/29/2019 - 08:13 -- webchick

For DrupalCamp Belarus in mid-May, I'll be giving a talk entitled "Tales of Drupal Past: Origin Stories of Drupal Contributors." My goal is to feature folks from the Drupal community and share their stories of coming into Drupal, with the goal to help inform and inspire others about our community, coming from a wide range of diverse perspectives/backgrounds.

How about... YOU? What were you doing before Drupal? How'd you get your start? What are you doing now? How has Drupal changed/impacted your life?

I would really appreciate any responses, whether in the comments here, on your own blogs, and/or on social media (with the #DrupalOriginStories tag, please). (Especially if you're based in Eastern Europe, I would love to hear from you!)

I can share mine, as a start... (Feel free to make yours shorter than this, however! :))

An update on Drupal 8.6 pre-feature freeze

Thu, 06/28/2018 - 13:52 -- webchick

Greetings, folks! As we head into feature freeze for Drupal 8.6 (the week of July 18), here's a run-down of the various initiatives, and a hit-list of what they're trying to accomplish in the next two weeks. Patch reviews, testing, design, docs, and many more skills are very welcomed!

A couple of caveats here:

1) This is my own personal best understanding of where this stuff is all at, based on reading issue comments, attending meetings, overhearing things from other people who attended meetings, catching the odd Slack snippet of conversation, carrier piegon, etc. And therefore may not be 100% accurate, or even 80% accurate — there's a lot going on! (please clarify in the comments if you see any errors/omissions)
2) Just because something is listed here, there is absolutely no guarantee that it gets reviewed + (truly) RTBCed + committed in time for feature freeze and makes it into 8.6. As you can see, there are lots of issues in the list below, and we're all doing our best to stay on top of them. Worst-case, there's always 8.7. :)
3) This post gets into nitty-gritty "technical audience" details; if you're interested in a more broad overview of initiatives and their aims for 8.6 and beyond, there's the strategic initiatives overview on Drupal.org. I was also recently on a Lullbabot podcast to that effect.

OK, here we go! These are listed in alphabetical order.

The Drupal Community Working Group: What it is, what it isn't

Tue, 04/11/2017 - 14:26 -- webchick

In recent weeks, I've seen a whole lot of FUD regarding the Drupal Community Working Group, and what it is they do or don't do. While I no longer serve in the CWG (I stepped down from all "extra-curricular" Drupal activities back in 2015 to focus on my family), most of the portrayals I've read are misinformed at best and completely inaccurate at worst. So, as an ex-member, who was uninvolved in recent events and therefore can perhaps speak more freely(?), I’d like to try and clear up a few misconceptions I've seen.

An analysis of Drupal major version adoption

Fri, 06/05/2015 - 13:44 -- webchick

TL;DR We need to ship D8. ;)

I was sent this question today from a co-worker:

"We always talk anecdotally about how Drupal adoption slows before a new release and then picks back up. Do we have any data to support that for Drupal 7 or Drupal 6? I’d love to know the impact of Drupal 8 as well – but not sure that’s possible. Any thoughts?"

This is a great question, but since email is where information goes to die ;), I figured I would copy my response into a blog post as well.

How and why D8 Accelerate is spending your hard-earned cash

Thu, 03/26/2015 - 12:13 -- webchick

Hopefully you've heard the news about the Drupal Association's new D8 Accelerate grants program, and the fundraising drive we have currently going on. If not, the gist is that the Drupal Association has created a central fund, managed by the Drupal core committers, to fund both "bottom-up" community grants for things like targeted sprints or "bug bounties," as well as "top-down" spending driven from the core committers on larger strategic initiatives that help accelerate Drupal 8's release. All D8 Accelerate grants that are provided are tracked centrally at https://assoc.drupal.org/d8accelerate/awarded, including what the money was used for, how much was spent, to whom it went, and a report from the grant recipient(s) that outlines the work that was accomplished.

However, it can be a little hard to parse from that format the larger meaning/context of this work, especially if you don't spend upwards of 30 hours per week in the core queue like most of these folks. :) As Chief Wearer of Many Hats™, I sit on both the Drupal Association board as well as the committee who manages these funds. This puts me in a good position to provide a bit of "behind the scenes" info on how the funding process works, as well as provide some of the larger story of how these funds are benefitting not only Drupal 8 core, but the larger Drupal ecosystem.

Webchick's "plain Drupal English" Guide to the Remaining Drupal 8 Critical Issues: DrupalCon Bogotá Edition

Sat, 02/14/2015 - 01:09 -- webchick

(Apologies for the atrocious state of the HTML that follows; this content is originally from this Google Doc.)

Updated Feb 15, 2015 with "needs triage" marker, per xjm.

Webchick's "plain Drupal English" Guide to the Remaining Drupal 8 Critical Issues: DrupalCon Bogotá Edition

DrupalCon Bogotá just finished up, and critical issue-wise we've managed to stay in the 50s for a few days (down from a high of 150 in the summer of 2013!), so now seems like as good a time as any to write down what's left to ship Drupal 8!

This post will attempt to document all of the remaining 55 criticals (as of this writing), and attempt to offer a somewhat "plain English" (or at least "Drupal English" ;)) description of each, loosely categorized into larger areas in which we could really use extra help. There are over 2,600 contributors to Drupal 8 at this time, please join us!

(Note: These descriptions might not be 100% accurate; this is my best approximation based on the issue summary and last few comments of each issue. If I got the description of your pet issue wrong, please update your issue summary. ;))


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