
very helpful lioness


The Drupal Community: Where we're going and how to get involved

Tue, 10/05/2010 - 12:26 -- webchick

Here is a copy of my slides + video from my talk at the Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit on the Drupal community, how to get involved, and where we're going.

The general topic is about how and why to get involved in the Drupal community, and it includes some simple things literally anyone can do to help the project, some "myth busting" around the Drupal community and open source in general, and tips and tricks on how to ensure you're contributing in an effective way.

Angela Byron: The Drupal Community from Carlson Media on Vimeo.

Slides: drupal-community-pnwds-2010-10-02.pdf (PDF, 19MB)

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