
very helpful lioness


A month (and a bit) in the Office of the CTO

Wed, 06/29/2011 - 00:05 -- webchick

Last month, I started my new job in Acquia's Office of the CTO. I posted my to-do list last month of a given week's worth of work, to try and provide some insight as to what I'm working on. Since that probably reads as chicken-scratch to you (my handwriting tends to be one-way encryption ;)), here are some of the highlights:

Proposal: Create a predictable schedule around Drupal 7 point releases

Mon, 05/23/2011 - 11:59 -- webchick

Due to a variety of factors, there hasn't been a point release of Drupal 7 since its 7.0 release, roughly 5 months ago. There are a lot of good bug fixes (some critical/major) and performance improvements in the 7.x branch right now, and the lack of these making it out there for public consumption yet has hampered the ability for contributed module authors to port their modules to Drupal 7, and several other bad effects.

Implementing hook_career_alter()

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 07:25 -- root

2011 has so far been a pretty amazing year, both for me personally, and also for the larger Drupal project. After nearly three years of hard work Drupal 7.0 was released, Lullabot sent me on tour to teach people about it, Drupal.org’s CVS => Git migration launched, and Drupal’s 10th birthday was celebrated at the amazing DrupalCon Chicago, where my mug was plastered on the cover of Linux Journal and Drupal 8 development officially kicked off. Whew!

Contribute code to Drupal.org? The Git migration team needs your feedback!

Wed, 12/22/2010 - 13:11 -- webchick

http://groups.drupal.org/node/114264 contains very important information that affects everyone who currently contributes or plans to contribute code to Drupal.org post-Git migration.

The Git migration team is urgently looking for feedback on this proposal from as many contributors as possible, so please ponder it over the holidays and chime in with your thoughts.

(Comments disabled here, because you should be commenting over there :))

Hey, MAINTAINERS.txt, we need your help!

Sun, 11/14/2010 - 01:22 -- webchick

For those who aren't aware, today here at BADCamp, Drupal 7 at long last reached 0 critical issues! YAY!!!


We also released Drupal 7.0 beta 3. Why beta3 and not rc1? Please click the link for more details. :) (Spoiler: We wanted to leave room for one last hash through the "majors" queue and pre-string freeze clean-up)

So if you're a core subsystem maintainer, please try and find some time in the next day or so to triage your issue queue and make sure that we're not sitting on any release blockers we don't know about yet. Drupal 7 RC1 represents an "everything freeze", and is imminent.

The Drupal Community: Where we're going and how to get involved

Tue, 10/05/2010 - 12:26 -- webchick

Here is a copy of my slides + video from my talk at the Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit on the Drupal community, how to get involved, and where we're going.

The general topic is about how and why to get involved in the Drupal community, and it includes some simple things literally anyone can do to help the project, some "myth busting" around the Drupal community and open source in general, and tips and tricks on how to ensure you're contributing in an effective way.

Angela Byron: The Drupal Community from Carlson Media on Vimeo.

Slides: drupal-community-pnwds-2010-10-02.pdf (PDF, 19MB)

Contributor Spotlight: Drupal 7 Chix

Wed, 03/24/2010 - 14:50 -- webchick

I struggled for quite awhile trying to come up with a single woman to pay homage to this year for Ada Lovelace Day and in the end, I couldn't do it; there are just too darn many women in the Drupal community out there kicking ass! :D So instead, here's a tribute to several of the Drupalchix who are actively working to make Drupal 7 the most amazing release yet.


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