Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes... (and a brief history of Drupal)
What the what?!

Sad Drupal is Sad. :'(
Well, might as well get right down to it... I've made the incredibly difficult decision to leave Acquia, and my employment there officially ended last week. :'(
Some important notes about this:
- This is in no way a negative reflection on Acquia. I have worked with SO many amazing people there in the past 10 years(!), and have endless gratitude for all of the challenges, opportunities, learning, and laughs. The leadership team has a solid strategy, and the effort everyone there puts into achieving it every day is inspiring.
- This is in no way a negative reflection on Drupal. In my time here, I've seen Drupal through its youthful toddler years, to its surly teenage years, and now Drupal's all grown up, with a nice, stable apartment downtown. :) Drupal is and remains an amazingly powerful, flexible solution for building every single type of application one can dream of, with an incredibly strong and vibrant community behind it.
- What this is about is about an opportunity that came up to take lessons learned from Drupal and apply them more broadly to (hopefully) make an even bigger impact (more on that below).
- Also, I'm not leaving the Drupal community (more on that below too), and will stay on as Core Committer/Product Manager, albeit with less time than I used to have to dedicate to it, for rather obvious reasons. (This is ultimately a good thing, as it'll direct that time towards more strategic/impactful endeavours.)