
very helpful lioness

Video of my Women in Open Source talk at Ontario Linux Fest

Thu, 11/01/2007 - 09:48 -- webchick

Thanks to Khalid for the heads-up about a video out there of my Women in Open Source talk I gave last month at the Ontario Linux Fest. Check it out here: http://www.archive.org/details/onlinux_womeninopensource

The slides for this talk are also available at http://webchick.net/files/presentations/women-in-open-source-onlinux-200...


Submitted by Brett (not verified) on

Hi Angie,

An excellent talk, really well presented and full of useful information. I don't usually comment on things but seeing as as your talk was all about getting involved I thought I'd take the time to give you some feedback.

My girlfriend (who's a programmer like me) tells me lots of stories about how she's treated at various sites - often in a "She's the girl, she can do the documentation" sort of way. This is so frustrating for me to hear because she's smarter than the average programmer and such a productive worker that she's wasted on clients like this.

As a bloke it's not always easy to spot the subtle (to us) forms of discrimination but with what I learn from my girlfriend, and things like your talk, I thin I'm getting better at it. I like how your talk said it was helpful for me to speak up if I see discrimination. I'll try to do that next time I notice any.

Thanks again,


I found your slides for that discussion a few months back. I love your minimalist style; it beats out the important points in humorous and thought provoking ways. To hear your message along with the slides certainly took the topic to another level. It was great, Angie, and much appreciated. Thanks for all you do. Glad to see you blogging out here, too!

Submitted by webchick on

Wow, that really sucks that your girlfriend's experience has been so negative. :( Documentation is a particular sore point, because when women are good at it, it's easy for other people to sort of continually stick them there. And it's even worse when documentation is viewed as an after-thought kind of task that "any monkey can do," which is a culture I've seen on a few projects. I hope that she can find some decent clients who appreciate her broader skills, and/or get involved with an open source project that will encourage her to dig in and flex her coder muscles for a change. :)

That's great to hear that you'll be one of the folks on the look-out for crap like this and that you aim to speak up about it. It *really* does help, because a lot of these types of guys will completely blow it off when a girl speaks up about it, but will pay a lot more attention if a fellow guy says something, particularly if it's from someone they respect.

Submitted by leslie "e5" (not verified) on

so, i've been an angie byron fan for about 9 years now, and i have always liked her a whole freaking lot. so, i wasn't sure that i could be any more of a fan than that.

but it turns out that after watching this talk, i am a slavering idiot fanatic fan. this topic is something close to my heart even in the industry in which i work. its not quite the stark contrast of male to female presence as in open-source, but i can name at least ten times that i have been discriminated against due to my gender.

it is great to listen to someone who has some solutions to the issue (workable, real solutions) and not just complaining. also, it is great to get that encouragement out there for other women to get involved. it makes me want to join up.

i miss you, angie! and you effing rule the universe.

Submitted by webchick on

a) Woah. Long time no see!
b) Woah. Thanks!
c) Woah. I *really* owe you e-mail. :(

I'll go take care of that now. :)

Submitted by sree (not verified) on

Thats a great talk dear ....

Submitted by greggles (not verified) on

One of the parts of your presentation that I liked was the "what response people should have when they encounter sexist people/situations." Fortunately XKCD recently had a comic on just this topic:

As someone who likes nerdy girls, I do not appreciate this.
