
very helpful lioness


Virtual Drupal 7 Usability sprint this weekend!

Wed, 11/18/2009 - 23:08 -- webchick

This weekend, Nov. 21 and 22, we'll be having a virtual usability sprint on IRC to help churn through some patches and reviews to push in important usability improvements by UX freeze (12/1). We'll be focusing on the following areas:

Drop by #drupal-usability #drupal-contribute on irc.freenode.net whenever you're around this weekend, and whoever is active will help you find something interesting to work on! Coder hands and patch reviewers are especially needed, but feel free to drop by regardless of skill level. It should be a fun time, and you're guaranteed to learn a lot! :)

And if usability ain't your thing, there are always accessibility and performance issues that could use your help! :)

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