
very helpful lioness


BlogHer Presentation: Open Source Participation: How to advance to the next level

Sat, 07/19/2008 - 17:58 -- webchick

Here's the presentation that Marianne Masculino and I did about how to contribute to both WordPress and Drupal:

Contributing to WordPressContributing to Drupal

It was really cool to see the overlap between how WordPress does stuff and how Drupal does stuff, and all the ways the communities are similar and how they're different in how they work. Also, Marianne was really awesome and nice. :)

Thanks to everyone who turned out to see it... It was great to meet you! :)

Also, I found a "live blogging" version of the session at http://www.sparkplugging.com/marketing/blogher-2008-open-source/.

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