
very helpful lioness

Hey, MAINTAINERS.txt, we need your help!

Sun, 11/14/2010 - 01:22 -- webchick

For those who aren't aware, today here at BADCamp, Drupal 7 at long last reached 0 critical issues! YAY!!!


We also released Drupal 7.0 beta 3. Why beta3 and not rc1? Please click the link for more details. :) (Spoiler: We wanted to leave room for one last hash through the "majors" queue and pre-string freeze clean-up)

So if you're a core subsystem maintainer, please try and find some time in the next day or so to triage your issue queue and make sure that we're not sitting on any release blockers we don't know about yet. Drupal 7 RC1 represents an "everything freeze", and is imminent.


Submitted by Donatello (not verified) on

Vorrei anch'io aggiungere i miei migliori complimenti per un lavoro ben fatto. È stato un po' un casino e sono contento che sia dietro di noi, ma sono anche contento che ce l'abbiamo fatta. Auguri per la continuazione del sito.
Donatello da Bergamo

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

WebChick rocks!
Nobody i've ever meet reflects the Drupal spirit as you do, THANK YOU!


Submitted by Danny (not verified) on

This comment is waaay too late but… Congrats on releasing Drupal 7! What I'd really like to comment on is, doesn't seem D7 is out to the fullest. I mean, there's still work going on and some module devs don't seem to get well releasing their mod updates. Can't wait to see Drupal 7 fully functional!