
very helpful lioness

drupal 9

Running both Drush 8 (for Drupal 7) and Drush 10 (for Drupal 9) at the same time

Mon, 09/14/2020 - 02:49 -- webchick


These days, my life is all migrations, all the time, which means I often need to run Drupal 7 and Drupal 9 sites side-by-side simultaneously to compare the results.

The problem?

Table of Drush compatibility info from https://www.drush.org/install/

The latest version of Drush, Drush 10, only works on Drupal versions 8.4+. To use Drush on Drupal 7 sites, you need an older version, Drush 8. And both of them use the command drush. Tricksy...

There are various Drupal-knowledgeable local development environments, such as Acquia Dev Desktop, Lando, DDEV, and Drupal VM that handle this complexity for you, which is super handy. However, the rest of my team uses a "from scratch" local development environment on Mac OS X, so I needed to figure out how to do this by hand.

I made a Twitter inquiry if there was an existing tutorial on how to do this, and since I couldn't find one, here it is. :) Hopefully this helps others, as well! (Thanks to those who responded, pointing me in the right direction!)

"Jumpstart" for the Drupal 9 Readiness Sprint @ DrupalCon Seattle!

Thu, 04/11/2019 - 17:01 -- webchick

Helloooooooo #DrupalCon!

If you're looking for something to work on at the contribution sprints tomorrow, come to the Drupal 9 readiness sprint! :D

We'll be spending the day removing deprecated code from Drupal 8 contributed modules to get them ready for Drupal 9.

For a great overview about how to prepare for Drupal 9, along with helpful tutorial videos, see Dries's blog.

Here's how you can participate! (Whether in-person or remotely!)

If you're a module developer who would like to "opt in" to having your module reviewed / patched by a new contributor at the sprint, please create (or find an existing) issue with the Drupal 9 compatibility + Seattle2019 tags!

Want to see the progress? Here's a contrib kanban overview!

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